Design Work Personal

99U Conference: 2017

Design thinking, and not just ‘design thinking’ I’m on the train, leaving New York after a pretty amazing week. It was the perfect time of year to be in New York. The weather was flawless and I got to attend the 99U Conference for the third time. I’m getting spoiled by the whole thing at this point. […]


36 All Nighters

In the Fall of 1996: Architecture Department at Rhode Island School of Design According the ‘The Telegraph’ Architecture school has a drop out rate of 7.2% which puts this path of study at the 8th highest for student drop outs. I feel like that number is a little low. Architecture programs are notorisously hard and some people […]

Design Work Personal

Smashing Conference SF: 2017

A quick summary This is as much for me to remember as it is to share with others. I haven’t been to Smashing Conference before but I’ve been a reader of the site for a long time. What is SmashingConference? A two-day event (four if you include the workshops) for web design and development. It’s very hands-on and […]

Design Work Personal

You Don’t Own Your Idea

“Ideas are worth just five cents” — Art School Teacher Sometimes it’s the simple lessons that you need to re-learn over and over to really comprehend. As a young art school student you mutter to yourself after class, “That old guy is being a dick. He doesn’t get my concept.” True story time. Foundation year of […]

Design Work

ApplePay Payment Sheet UI : V2

Sketch template for ApplePay with more bells and whistles I’ve continued my project building the ApplePay checkout flow and through the process I’ve come to realize that my initial UI kit was lacking in many ways. First–I had nothing around the confirmation or validation payment sheets. I added layouts for an approved ApplePay transaction →“Payment […]

Design Work

ApplePay Payment Sheet UI

Sketch template for ApplePay I found a slew of great iOS template tools for Sketch.I used this one from Simple Sketch as my foundation → iOS 10 GUI What was missing for me was ApplePay and specifically the payment sheet UI. So, I built something and in the spirt of sharing, here it is. Download the […]

Design Work

The Formation of A Design Team

or, How a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits Came Together to Make Pretty Things with Computers During the first 30 days, I lost almost half my team. As the brand new manager, how am I supposed to recover from this? Did my presence, or the change I represented, cause this? What is going on. Eight months […]


Things you think when your eBike is on E

I ride my bike to work: a 16 mile commute. My bike has pedals–but yes, it also has an electric motor that helps me cruise along at an average of 20 miles/per hour, as long as I’m pedaling. It’s a lot of fun to ride, and with no shower at my office, it’s really the […]