
Phase 004

We’re at the tail end of 2024, and we’re supposed to reflect on the past 365 days. We’re supposed to learn shit and evolve as humans, right? I’ve learned things, sure. Have I applied those learnings to my actual life? That’s debatable. I’ve come to an understanding that I delay things–a lot. I’ve been playing […]


Phase 003

Three is the magic number, yes it is. I’m still finding my way with this little project. It’s hard to come up with something monthly to put in here–something that’s coherent. I can’t promise this edition is. That’s OK. Not everything has to make sense. The world doesn’t, why should we hold our efforts to […]


Phase 002

New is exciting and fun. When you are on the path to newness, every bump, turn, u-turn, and pit stop is an adventure. After it’s not new anymore, it’s repetitive and boring. It’s much harder to get going on the second attempt. Every drop counts… I know. The autocorrect series begins… Books that I’m currently […]


Phase 001

Trying to explain something new is never easy. It’s even harder when you don’t know where it’s headed. When I was young, I discovered zines. It changed my life. It connected me with people, places, ideas, music, art, and culture that I would have never discovered in my small-town world. I have friends of 30 […]