Visa Checkout takes it to 11
Back in August, I wrote a detailed survey of the e-commerce payment button scene, The Sad State of Payment Buttons. One of the worst offenders was VISA and this specimen.

Well, I do appreciate the crew at Visa not wanting to come in second (or second to last) and they have found a way to make this awful button worse with… animation.

Visa has resorted to 1980s web tactics with a sliding animation action to attract the eye. It was a bad idea back then and it’s still a bad idea today. The best part of this was that the brands were not given any notice. One day the button became animated, with no way to control or disable this ‘feature’.

I get it, it’s like sliding a credit card through an old-timely carbon paper credit card reader. I’m old enough to remember that machine, but very few smart-phone-using millennials will have any idea what this is supposed to be about. It will simply be (and is) annoying.

Visa, please stop the madness.