Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 06/13/23

Despite what the Matrix tried to say, déjà vu is not a glitch. It does come from the French, and as Americans, we’ve wholeheartedly adopted the word. Oftentimes, it’s confused with coincidence but they are not the same. I recently watched a comedy special on Netflix and the opening music was a track from They […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 06/06/23

The changes keep coming. We’ve got a sponsor this week. If you need a modern, no-code, web builder check out Readymag. I’ve also added a few design jobs (at the end) along with the usual pretty things to look at. Change is the only constant. It’s an overused saying, but it’s true. This week’s post […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/30/23

I’m always adjusting the format of these posts. The feedback, which is usually positive, (thank you all very much) is somewhat limited. I’ve tried more images, less words, more personal, quotes, and I even tried a daily version with five links for a very short time. I’ll be adding a few more variations in the […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/09/23

In the spirit of the times, I’ve used chatGPT to help me write this week’s intro. You’ll find that it’s longer than what I usually write. Why? Because I didn’t write it. I did edit and curate the output into something that I’m comfortable with. I also used Grammarly, to fine-tune at the end. Here […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 04/18/23

The humans are under attack. That’s what the news keeps saying. Artificial intelligence is here. It’s taking our jobs. The sky is falling. There will be fallout from AI–I’m not delusional. We have no idea what this is going to look like yet. Will it be Terminator or Star Trek: The Next Generation? Only time […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 12/13/22

“Traveler, there are no paths. Paths are made by walking.” – Australian Aboriginal Proverb


Reading Challenge Review 2021

Recap of my reading for the 2020 Goodreads Reading Challenge. I read 46 Books this year. Again, I’m gonna blame the pandemic–here’s the highlights.

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 12/28/21

The End of the Beginning

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 12/14/21

Nocebo Effect

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 09/28/21

So it goes