“A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
Weekly Design Links – 04/14/20

“A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
As a design manager, I’ve looked at several hundred applications for open design roles over the last few months and I’ve noticed a series of painful missteps from the applicant pool.
Or, how the sausage gets made For over a year I’ve been writing/compiling a weekly design links post. This started via email at my last job. I was managing a team of awesome young designers and I felt that part of my job was to engage them in work, tools and thinking beyond our daily grind. I […]
In the Fall of 1996: Architecture Department at Rhode Island School of Design According the ‘The Telegraph’ Architecture school has a drop out rate of 7.2% which puts this path of study at the 8th highest for student drop outs. I feel like that number is a little low. Architecture programs are notorisously hard and some people […]
“Ideas are worth just five cents” — Art School Teacher Sometimes it’s the simple lessons that you need to re-learn over and over to really comprehend. As a young art school student you mutter to yourself after class, “That old guy is being a dick. He doesn’t get my concept.” True story time. Foundation year of […]
Sketch template for ApplePay with more bells and whistles I’ve continued my project building the ApplePay checkout flow and through the process I’ve come to realize that my initial UI kit was lacking in many ways. First–I had nothing around the confirmation or validation payment sheets. I added layouts for an approved ApplePay transaction →“Payment […]
Sketch template for ApplePay I found a slew of great iOS template tools for Sketch.I used this one from Simple Sketch as my foundation → iOS 10 GUI What was missing for me was ApplePay and specifically the payment sheet UI. So, I built something and in the spirt of sharing, here it is. Download the […]
or, How a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits Came Together to Make Pretty Things with Computers During the first 30 days, I lost almost half my team. As the brand new manager, how am I supposed to recover from this? Did my presence, or the change I represented, cause this? What is going on. Eight months […]
A quick review of the 99U Conference. If I don’t do this now, I’ll have to wait until they post all the the videos from this year and reference backwards. Wednesday, May 4th Kickoff Meet & GreetHighlights for a nerd like me were ski-ball and a street fighter set up where you played on a […]
Lessons from the real-world Noel Constant that I didn’t ask for The creative workplace is a peculiar place. In some ways its very different than other parts of the working world, and in some fundamental ways it’s not. Creatives (I know we hate this term) come from all angles. Some study at four-year colleges, others […]