Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 10/10/23

Humans are strangely affected by numbers, patterns, chords, and repetition. We gravitate towards them like moths to a light. We can’t look away. We seek them out in chaos. We constantly try to bring some logic to the thousands of data points in our vision. We want things to make sense, to see the system […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 08/22/23

I was getting started on assembling this week’s post and I suddenly found myself deep down a web rabbit hole that I couldn’t escape. It started simply enough–I got an email from the fine people at LEGO. They updated their loyalty program and wanted me to move over to this new thing. I complied. That […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/30/23

I’m always adjusting the format of these posts. The feedback, which is usually positive, (thank you all very much) is somewhat limited. I’ve tried more images, less words, more personal, quotes, and I even tried a daily version with five links for a very short time. I’ll be adding a few more variations in the […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/02/23

The fact that we are jumping into May seems unfathomable to me. January was two minutes ago. I started a new job, everything was new, and there was so much to do. There’s still so much to do–that hasn’t changed. Progress is being made on all fronts. I can see that, but it’s never enough. […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 04/25/23

I’m looking forward to Summer: warm days–like the whole day, longer days of light, and ice-filled beverages. I can’t wait for all of these things and more. Until then, I’ll be heads down, working on some new sites and side projects. Industrial Design Mobile Phone MuseumOver 2600 models and all the physical buttons Ronnie Fieg […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 03/14/23

Spring is almost here and it can’t come soon enough for me. I’m ready for the sun–and over the rain. Growing up as a skateboarder on the wet East Coast, I developed a hatred of rain. Rain meant that I couldn’t be outside rolling around. Computers and video games were my outlet in the case […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 02/07/23

There isn’t enough time in the day, week, or month. That’s how it feels lately. Maybe it’s the new year energy, I don’t know. It’s February and I’ve got a long list of to-do’s. First one that I’m checking off–another creative links post. Enjoy. Illustration/3D Melitta Annual Report 2020DAQ Studio Various Illustrations 2022 – 2023Denis […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 01/17/23

January is half over and I still haven’t completed my annual book reading summary. I just looked at last year’s post–it didn’t go up until March. I’m way ahead of the game for now. Illustration/3D A 3D Series on the power of Good HabitsCarlos Antón Varó is a 3D artist based in Madrid, Spain Web […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 12/20/22

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 09/13/22

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” – William Bruce Cameron