Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 07/18/23

There are days, sometimes weeks, or even months when things just feel off. You are out of sync with yourself and nothing you do seems to fit or flow. It’s hard to pin down a reason, when it started, or describe–you just know. What’s even harder is finding a way out. When I was younger, […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 07/11/23

Last week was the 4th of July, so I took the week off. The rest of the country had off, so why not me too? I took last Monday off as well, finally using an actual vacation day. The short weeks always throw me off and I’m paying the price this week. I’ve got a […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 06/13/23

Despite what the Matrix tried to say, déjà vu is not a glitch. It does come from the French, and as Americans, we’ve wholeheartedly adopted the word. Oftentimes, it’s confused with coincidence but they are not the same. I recently watched a comedy special on Netflix and the opening music was a track from They […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 06/06/23

The changes keep coming. We’ve got a sponsor this week. If you need a modern, no-code, web builder check out Readymag. I’ve also added a few design jobs (at the end) along with the usual pretty things to look at. Change is the only constant. It’s an overused saying, but it’s true. This week’s post […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/30/23

I’m always adjusting the format of these posts. The feedback, which is usually positive, (thank you all very much) is somewhat limited. I’ve tried more images, less words, more personal, quotes, and I even tried a daily version with five links for a very short time. I’ll be adding a few more variations in the […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/23/23

Most of these posts follow a pattern. There’s a bunch of links from one discipline, maybe two, and then a random collection from others. This week that pattern is gone. There are two work articles and then one each from a variety of mediums. In all the years I’ve been doing this, I can’t remember […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/16/23

“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong. If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we will leave opportunities for alternatives. We will not become enthusiastic for the fact, […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/09/23

In the spirit of the times, I’ve used chatGPT to help me write this week’s intro. You’ll find that it’s longer than what I usually write. Why? Because I didn’t write it. I did edit and curate the output into something that I’m comfortable with. I also used Grammarly, to fine-tune at the end. Here […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 05/02/23

The fact that we are jumping into May seems unfathomable to me. January was two minutes ago. I started a new job, everything was new, and there was so much to do. There’s still so much to do–that hasn’t changed. Progress is being made on all fronts. I can see that, but it’s never enough. […]

Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 04/25/23

I’m looking forward to Summer: warm days–like the whole day, longer days of light, and ice-filled beverages. I can’t wait for all of these things and more. Until then, I’ll be heads down, working on some new sites and side projects. Industrial Design Mobile Phone MuseumOver 2600 models and all the physical buttons Ronnie Fieg […]