What’s A Year?
Repetition can provide familiarity and maybe efficiency or competence. Repetition is also said to breed contempt. The pandemic has created ground hog day feelings. We don’t know the day of the week or even the month. Time is increasingly meaningless. Life goes on–but how can we tell. I get lost too. I have my projects to keep my sanity–each one provides a glimmer of progress. Forward momentum is crucial for sanity. On to the 17th batch of links this year.

Alignment to Air – Motion Design & Typography
Stoney Rise Wine / Cumulus Studio
The Straw Pavilion / MIA Design Studio
Mars Architectes creates wooden apartment block enclosed by 1970s housing
Industrial Design
Moooi releases real-life version of “impossible to produce” virtual chair by Andrés Reisinger
Purist’s Sleek, Spill-Proof Scope Bottle Top
Sonnet155 is a “temporary handbag” made from discarded fruit peels
Degree’s new deodorant is designed with disabled people in mind

Pressing Matters: Pavement Licker Pairs Up Musicians and Artists For Charity
Graphic Design/Packaging/Branding

Web Design/UX/UI

14 Inspiring Examples of Interactive Maps in Web Design

A Very Niche, Very Logical Font Inspired by Vintage Typewriters + Python Script
Designing a Custom Typeface That Works for Indeed

1,500 drones form scannable QR code in Shanghai skies
GANcraft: Unsupervised 3D Neural Rendering of Minecraft Worlds
Design Work