Most of these posts follow a pattern. There’s a bunch of links from one discipline, maybe two, and then a random collection from others. This week that pattern is gone. There are two work articles and then one each from a variety of mediums. In all the years I’ve been doing this, I can’t remember this happening. I’ve seen it all now–what else is out there? I can tell you one thing. This did not make the layout easy, my template failed me.

Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold
Just in case you didn’t open up any design blog in the last week

Creative is 10%. Structure and systems are the rest
The discipline of design is the commitment to structuring and systematizing good ideas
How I Work: Damian Bradfield, Chief Creative Officer, WeTransfer
Damian Bradfield works hard to not have a routine
Web Design/UX/UI

Reinventing the carousel
The research and design behind the evolution of the Material 3 carousel
Industrial Design

found/Founded’s Rice Maker Serves up a Small Portion of Bold Design
Intentionally sparse in detail and options, a thoughtfully pared design
Graphic Design/Branding

Layer Design empowers a greener future with branding and visual identity for Croft
its mission to pave the way for a sustainable future driven by hydrogen power
Data Visualization

Animated Chart: The Smartphone Effect on the Camera Market
This animation by James Eagle compares annual sales data for film cameras, digital cameras, and smartphones over the years

Paper-Thin Ceramic Pieces Puzzle Together to Form Elegant Vessels by Ellis Moseley
Through a methodical and labor-intensive process of layering petals of thin clay, Adelaide-based artist Ellis Moseley creates elegant, airy vessels

Barry Webb
macro photography of insect and plant life

Médanos House / Besonias Almeida Arquitectos
Situated at a high coastal elevation, it was necessary to protect oneself from the strong SE and N winds