Halfway there, but a long way to go
It’s not really halfway until the middle of June, but I’m not worried about technicalities. We’ve all had enough to deal with–let’s not focus on unimportant details. I feel like we’ve done enough to warrant a few days leeway. Enjoy the links, Summer is almost here.
Graphic Design

Currency Design – Designing The Most Desirable Product
EFFEKT plants 1,200 trees to grow during the Venice Architecture Biennale
A Sensitive Reworking Of An 1872 Country Cottage
Nordic Pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale is a full-scale co-housing model
A Minimalist Tokyo Home With a Sculptural Stairway Connecting Three Floors

Colorful Glazes Coat Exquisite Vessels Sculpted with Smooth Sloping Porcelain
Web Design/UX/UI
A Beginner’s Guide to Applying Color in UI Design
What are UX Designer skills? Here are the 12 must-haves
Designing for cognitive disabilities

The twisted psychology of browser tabs—and why we can’t get rid of them
Industrial Design

New Book, Patented, Reveals the Forgotten Designers of Everyday Items