Are We There Yet?
In the past, I used quotes at the beginning of all of my links posts. It was way easier. I could just think of a topic (sometimes related to the content, sometimes not) and the internet would find me a slew of quotes that might suit my needs. Often times, I wouldn’t even augment that with any original thoughts. I gave that up for 2021 and sometimes I regret that decision.
Engineers create a programmable fiber
3D Organic Experiments in Houdini
Meet the 2021 Apple Design Award Finalists

Taiyuan Botanical Garden / Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Graphic Design/Branding
Ottawa International Animation Festival by Michael George Haddad
The Absolute Best in Packaging: Dieline Awards 2021 Winners
Industrial Design

3form launches translucent textile-based panels by Christian Darby
Go Treads: A Simple, Low-Tech But Heavily-Designed Object for Freeing Stuck Vehicles

Yusuke Shigeta reinvents traditional Japanese folding screen with digital animation
Web Design/UX/UI
Cognitive Bias and the Design Process
The fetishisation of UX design