Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 07/20/21



By trade, I’m a UX person. To be honest, I’ve had a lot of job titles. There have been so many acronyms, definitions and job descriptions that never quite explain the work. I like to say that I solve problems with design. It’s a huge simplification, but it’s accurate. I feel like it’s better than trying to explain what “User Experience” is to a layman. Most weeks, there’s a slew of web and UX links. This week, there are none. So it goes. RIP Biz Markie.


Biz Markie: Make The Music


Gadi House / PMA madhushala

Casa Mat / Mutar

Joris Laarman’s 3D-printed stainless steel bridge finally opens in Amsterdam

Industrial Design

Ohmie is a 3D-printed lamp made from orange peels

ROCCA stool

Joseph Smolenicky Designs a Perplexing Table Out of Square Aluminum Tubes


Andromeda Illustrations by Mathieu Le Berre

autumn doodles by Svitlana Harkusha


Expressive Portraits Made as Scrap-Metal Mosaics Question Societal Notions of Value

Artist Used A.I. To See How Good It Would Be At Guessing What These Celebrities Looked Like As Teenagers

Graphic Design/Branding

Blotter Atelier – Visual Identity and Web Design

Minneapolis Glass by Allan Peters


20th Century Summer: An Interview with Greg Hunt on Rediscovering a Golden Age of Skate and Art

The Copper Mine Series by Tom Hegen