Three Times Two Equals Twenty Seven
I’ve always got at least three too many projects going at any given moment in time. This has been true for as long as I can remember. The projects range in scale and scope. They span disciplines and reasons for existing. The only commonality is that each project has some element that I can nerd out over for hours, days, months or even years. With multiple projects going at once, the work takes longer to complete. I get distracted and new projects force old projects to the wayside. Often, the old projects come back and sometimes, they even get to a level of completion that I would come done. Yes, there are many projects dead along the way. Oh, so many. There are also dozens of projects that never even get beyond the idea state. Prioritization is key. I’ll explain my prioritization method next week, let’s get to the links.

A Monumental 20-Story Wildflower Blooms Above Jersey City in a New Mural by Artist Mona Caron
Artist Crafts Genius Functioning Mini Interior Dioramas In His Walls
Japanese Artist Creates Amazing Miniature Dioramas Every Day For 10 Years

Juantana House / Activo Estudio
Snøhetta reimagines long-closed 1930s Norwegian harbour bath Knubben
Zaha Hadid Architects Designs a 3D-Printed Bridge Made of Concrete Blocks
Web Design/UX/UI

Designing the best possible solution
The Current State of Homepage UX – 8 Common Pitfalls

Defining the WHAT and WHY of Design Principles
Graphic Design/Branding/Packaging

Mindfully™ — branding and social media content
Monto Chocolates by Crown Creative