A busy, busy little October. I’ve been getting shit done, executing new projects, and maintaining the usual stuff (these posts). Phase issue 2 is live. I’m doing a talk in a few weeks with SDXD in San Diego. It’s called ‘How NOT To Apply For a Design Job’. It looks like it’s sold out already–damn. I’ll share more as that gets closer. The new issue of my zine, Tails Of #5 (the one on actual paper) is getting closer to completion. I’m sure there’s more stuff that I’m forgetting right now, but it’s link time. Enjoy.

Bringing Brands to Life: How Motion Design Tells a Story
Discover how Studio Aya uses motion design to breathe life into brands, weaving captivating narratives through movement inspired by childhood wonder
Kate Bush’s beautiful new animated film just made me cry
It’s impossible not to be moved by this poignant tale
Industrial Design

The 3D-Printed Haibu Lamps Get an Assist From Gravity
Despite the technical precision inherent in 3D printing, the Haibu lamps also embrace a touch of unpredictability – thanks to the forces of gravity. After the initial printing process, the soft clay naturally collapses slightly under its own weight. This subtle, organic sagging introduces small imperfections and irregularities in the form of minor gaps and patterns.

Aman Khanna: Claymen
These claymen figure sculptures emerge from a careful observation of the common man and his dilemmas
Web Design/UX/UI

Research basics every designer should know
Leveraging design research fundamentals to improve product experiences
A masterclass in user activation (96% of them)
Even if this cherry-picked study isn’t scientific, it demonstrates that millions of people are actually feeling something
Choice is not the enemy
When “don’t make users choose” is a lie — a crazy housing experience case from New York

Pavilion for Good Sleep / WHALE!
A pavilion for good sleep requires an eastern orientation, to wake up with the morning sun
Graphic Design/Branding

Mozilla rebrand takes from early internet aesthetics, to move its cause to reclaim the web
The free software community’s brand identity has been overhauled by global branding agency JKR, featuring a playful and pixelated revisit to the tech company’s iconic dinosaur logo

UI Builder
No-Code UI Builder for React Developers

This Team of Enthusiasts is Discovering Sources of Textures From Retro Games
You’re always one Google search away from preserving history