I may take next week off. I’m not sure that I will, but I feel the need for a break coming. In the meantime–this week’s links are pretty dang good.
Industrial Design

Coturn CT-01 Is a Portable Turntable You Can Toss Into a Backpack
A solid anodized aluminum body, integrated glass top, and sleek integrated tone arm tipped with an Audio-Technica Stylus AT 3600 needle, measuring a mere 12.5 x 5 x 1 inches when folded up
Daniel Arsham x Hot Wheels Collection Crosses the Line Between Toys + Collectibles
Artist Daniel Arsham has made a career of turning his favorite playthings into the subject of his artwork

Hey designers, they’re gaslighting you
Too many organizations have convinced designers that they’re the problem — that if they just worked harder, they’d be taken seriously
Easy (Yet Powerful) Ways to Increase Employee Retention
Understanding how to retain employees is a critical component of managing your team
The design manager’s toolkit
Take the best of being a designer and create a durable playbook for handling challenges as a manager
Web Design/UX/UI

Clarify Your Thinking by Drawing Concept Maps
A concept map is a diagram that represents relationships between concepts or entities. As such, it represents a model of a system or situation
The Power of Variable Fonts: An Interview with Jason Pamental
Variable fonts are reinventing type on the web. Jason Pamental discusses benefits, adoption and a promising new concept that is set to massively improve the performance of web fonts
It’s 2023, here is why your web design sucks
Exploring the reasons why we no longer have web designers

Passkeys: what they are, and how they work
We all use passwords every day to sign in to our devices and online accounts. But that doesn’t mean they’re a perfect solution

Thiago Tallmann
Art Direction & Design

We were never supposed to see our own faces this much
From mirrors to Zoom calls and TikToks, we are constantly faced with our own reflections – and it is completely changing the way we conceive of ourselves
Tails Of… Every Skateboard Book We Could Find
A list of every skateboard books with options to buy–if it’s available (shameless self-promotion here)
The Pudding breaks down Spotify’s music genres
In 2016, Spotify began publishing a list of the most popular music genres on its platform…