“Ask no questions, and you’ll be told no lies.” ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Here we go again–another Tuesday and the usual link show. It’s a good batch and I hope it brings you some inspiration during this chaotic time.

Bus House / OOIIO Architecture • https://www.archdaily.com/951252/bus-house-ooiio-architecture
Photos reveal Tadao Ando’s completed He Art Museum in China • https://www.dezeen.com/2020/11/09/tadao-ando-he-art-museum-china-photography
Itinerant Tent / Fabrizio Pugliese + Gabriel Huarte • https://www.archdaily.com/951265/itinerant-tent-fabrizio-pugliese-plus-gabriel-huarte
Cloister House / Formwerkz Architects • https://www.archdaily.com/951257/cloister-house-formwerkz-architects

Pattern Collect: A curated gallery of patterns by awesome designers & illustrators • https://patterncollect.com/
When the USPS Is In Trouble, Artists and Designers Create Grassroots Efforts to Help • https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/when-the-usps-was-in-trouble-artists-and-designers-created-grassroots-efforts-to-help/
Web Design/UX/UI

5 things that are killing your landing page • https://uxdesign.cc/5-simple-things-that-are-killing-your-landing-page-1bcd26e47924
UX Lessons from Big Sur • https://learnuxd.io/posts/ux-lessons-from-big-sur
Running Stories: Turning running routes into immersive experiences • https://youtu.be/8jF2oM6rW58
Glassmorphism in user interfaces • https://uxdesign.cc/glassmorphism-in-user-interfaces-1f39bb1308c9
Design Work

InsideOut: Where in-house leaders connect and share ideas • https://aquent.com/communities/inside-out

The Cult of Cooper: Cooper Nouveau • https://hello.houseind.com/journals/cooper-nouveau
24 fonts that will be popular with designers in 2021 • https://www.creativeboom.com/resources/top-24-fonts-in-2021/
Welcome to Glyphs, version 3 • https://glyphsapp.com/news/glyphs-3-make-things-you-love

Sony’s PS5 London Underground stunt is truly iconic • https://www.creativebloq.com/news/sony-oxford-circus-playstation-symbols
Industrial Design

Why Amazon radically redesigned the Echo • https://www.fastcompany.com/90577089/why-the-new-amazon-echo-is-a-sphere
These solar panels don’t need the sun to produce energy • https://www.fastcompany.com/90578605/these-solar-panels-dont-need-the-sun-to-produce-energy
A Sofa That Transforms To a Bed by Lowering From the Ceiling • https://design-milk.com/a-sofa-that-transforms-to-a-bed-by-lowering-from-the-ceiling
done for today