It’s been a year. Maybe not as hectic as the last few, but it’s been trying for me. I have many talented friends who aren’t employed, there are still layoffs happening, and next year doesn’t look any calmer with ongoing wars and a US election coming. I’m thankful for the good people in my life. I’m hopeful that I can continue to come together with talented people and make good work. I love that I can share the cool stuff I find with all of you. See you all in 2024!
Web Design/UX/UI

A/B Testing Velocity: Conducting more tests isn’t always the answer
When programs move beyond 30 tests per developer per year, the expected impact drops by a whopping 87%
Industrial Design

This piece of paper could revolutionize human waste
the inventor of Cushion Lock, Tom Corrigan
Read Between the Lines of RYTM, an Architecturally Inspired Turntable
Unsurprisingly, Dieter Rams’ iconic 1957 Braun SK4/1 turntable is cited as an inspiratio

The art of the professional pivot
Six creatives working in the product design world share their journey to making big leaps and side shuffles into their next career chapter
Two great stories by Matej Latin that dig into design quitting and layoffs with data
Why designers quit (2023 report)
Designer layoff stories
Who is responsible for the impact of innovative products?
How can it be that a) all products are designed, b) designers want to create something good for the world and c) so many products are total garbage?
Graphic Design/Branding

Tony’s Chocolonely
Launched in the mid-2000s, Amsterdam-based Tony’s Chocolonely is one of the few chocolate brands with the mission of being 100% slave free
Print’s not dead: the best magazines for graphic design inspiration
Sit back, relax and reacquaint yourselves with the joys of devouring a beautifully designed print magazine. We present a selection of the best titles on sale today

Written in the wood
Bigelow 224 seemed relatively healthy when Morino visited in late November. But they knew from experience that a tree’s outward appearance doesn’t always reflect the hardships it has endured.