Creative Links

Weekly Design Links – 04/09/24

Video games have been a big influence in my life. From early 8-bit, through the dawn of 3D, and into the current day–it’s all creative, designed to every detail (when it’s great), and built for fun. I played my share of racing games, but this was never my favorite genre. Still, this week’s links have two great articles referencing classic games and their impact and influence on today’s design scene. Maybe one of these weeks it will just be all video games. You’ll all know that I’ve gone too far. I won’t care.

Graphic Design

How a PlayStation game inspired a generation of graphic designers
Wipeout’s stunning in-game branding remains influential today


Yuliya Krishchik
Contemporary embroidery & needle felted art


Krea Open Beta
Generate images in real-time. More control, instant feedback.

Industrial Design

Bad Marlon Elevates Mealtime + Dog Walks With New Accessories
The four-legged table is made of 100% silicone and props up a ceramic bowl which makes it more comfortable for dogs to eat and drink by reducing the strain on their neck and joints.

Ombak chair consists of 2,000 plastic bags salvaged from Bali’s rivers
Indonesian non-profit Sungai Watch has unveiled the debut furniture launch from its design studio Sungai Design, aimed at creating useful products from the mountains of plastic waste that it fishes from Bali’s rivers every day.

Eye-Catching Handmade Outdoor Tools by Neru Design Works
Created in collaboration with Asimocraft

The unexpected design influences on Amazon’s Fallout TV show
“It taught me the creative process is infinite,” says costume designer Amy Westcott.


Entrance Façade of the Baroque Museum of Catalonia / David Closes
Sometimes surprising coincidences might occur. Between 2003 and 2011 we conducted an architectural intervention on Sant Francesc Convent, in Santpedor, to transform it into an auditorium.

Web Design/UX/UI

Analyzing UX & UI decisions in classic racing games
Ridge Racer Type 4’s UI/UX is a games design classic

Design Thoughts

From ink to pixel to ink
I love books. I love reading books but I also love books as objects. And if you’re a designer—or passionate about design—chances are, you also love books.